Wednesday 23 December 2009

Reviews by Winifred Lamb 2

Here are further reviews:
  • Euthymides and His fellows by Joseph Clark Hoppin. In CR 33, 3/4 (May - Jun., 1919), 73-74 [JSTOR]
  • Catalogue of Arretine Pottery in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston by George H. Chase. In CR 33, 3/4 (May - Jun., 1919), 78-79 [JSTOR]
  • Der Berliner Maler by J. D. Beazley. In CR 45, 5 (Nov., 1931), 176-77 [JSTOR]
  • Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum by J. D. Beazley; H. G. G. Payne; E. R. Price. In CR 46, 4 (Sep., 1932), 160-61 [JSTOR]
  • Die Metallindustrie Anatoliens in der Zeit von 1500-700 vor Chr by Stefan Przeworski. In JHS 59, 2 (1939), 291-92 [JSTOR]
  • Prosymna, the Helladic Settlement Preceding the Argive Heraeum by Carl W. Blegen. In JHS 59, 1 (1939), 141-42 [JSTOR]
  • Prehistoric Macedonia. by W. A. Heurtley. In Man, 40 (Feb., 1940), 28-29 [JSTOR]
  • Tyrrhenika: An Archaeological Study of the Etruscan Sculpture in the Archaic and Classical Periods by P. J. Riis; Tyrrhenika. In JHS 65 (1945), 123 [JSTOR]
  • Ausgrabungen von Alaca Höyük: ein Vorbericht über die im Auftrage der Türkischen Geschichts kommission im Sommer 1936 durchgeführten Forschungen und Entdeckungen by H. Z. Kosay; Alaca Höyük. In JHS 66 (1946), 130 [JSTOR]
  • Die Bestattungsbraeuche im vorgeschichtlichen Anatolien by T. Özgüç
    Türk Tarih Kurumu Tarafindan Karahöyük Hafriyati Rapouru, 1947: Ausgrabungen in Karahöyük by T. Özgüç; N. Özgüç. In JHS 70 (1950), 83-84 [JSTOR]
  • Karatepe Kazilari (Birinci Ön-Rapor). Die Ausgrabungen auf dem Karatepe (Erster Vorbericht) by H. Th. Bossert; V. B. Alkim; H. Çambel; N. Ongunsu; I. Süzen. In JHS 71 (1951), 263-64 [JSTOR]
  • The Coming of Iron to Greece by T. Burton Brown. In JHS 76 (1956), 122-23 [JSTOR]
  • Early Anatolia. A Description of Early Civilisation in Asia Minor, As Revealed by the Last Half-Century of Excavating and Exploration by Seton Lloyd. In JHS 77, 2 (1957), 365 [JSTOR]

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Reviews by Winifred Lamb

Here are some reviews by Winifred Lamb (as W.L.):
  • Rodenwaldt, G. 1922. Der Fries des Megarons von Mykenai. Halle: Max Niemeyer. In JHS 42, 2 (1922) 281-83 [JSTOR]
  • Langlotz, E. 1927. Frühgriechische Bildhauerschulen. Nürnberg: Ernst Fromann & Sohn. In JHS 48, 1 (1928) 130-31 [JSTOR]
  • Fraser, J. 1930. Graecia Antiqua: maps and plans to illustrate Pausanias's description of Greece. London: Macmillan. In JHS 50, 2 (1930) 347 [JSTOR]
  • Robinson, D. M. 1930. Architecture and Sculpture. Excavations at Olynthus, vol. 2. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. In JHS 51, 1 (1931) 114-15 [JSTOR]
  • Blegen, C. W., O. Broneer, R. Stillwell, and A. R. Bellinger. 1930. Acrocorinth: Excavations in 1926. Corinth, vol. 3, 1. Cambridge (Mass.): American School of Classical Studies at Athens. [JSTOR] In JHS 51, 1 (1931) 115 [JSTOR]
  • Jacobsthal, P. 1930. Aktaions Tod. Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft, vol. 5. In JHS 51, 1 (1931) 119 [JSTOR]
  • Myres, J. L. 1930. Who were the Greeks? Sather classical lectures vol. 6. Berkeley: University of California Press. In JHS 51, 2 (1931) 291-92 [JSTOR]
  • Zammit, T. 1930. Prehistoric Malta: The Tarxien Temples. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In JHS 51, 2 (1931) 292-93 [JSTOR]
  • Schweitzer, B. 1929. Antiken im ostpreussischen Privatbesitz. Schriften der Königsberger gelehrten Gesellschaft. Geisteswissenschaftliche Klasse, vol. 6. Halle: M. Niemeyer; 1930. Festschrift für James Loeb; zum sechzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen archäologischen Freunden in Deutschland und Amerika. München: F. Bruckman; Poulsen, F., H. Rostrup, and O. Koefoed-Petersen. 1931. From the collections of the Ny Carslberg Glyptothek I. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard; Neugebauer, K. A. 1931. Die Minoischen und Archaisch Griechischen Bronzen. Katalog der Statuarischen Bronzen im Antiquarium, vol. 1. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. In JHS 52, 1 (1932) 138-40 [JSTOR]
  • Fowler, H. N., and R. Stillwell. 1932. Introduction, topography, architecture. Corinth, vol. 1. Cambridge (Mass.): American School of Classical Studies at Athens; Schazmann, P. 1932. Asklepieion: Baubeschreibung und Baugeschichte. Kos, vol. 1. Berlin: Keller. In JHS 53, 1 (1933) 123-24 [JSTOR]
  • Baur, P. V. C., M. I. Rostovtzeff, and A. R. Bellinger. Editors. 1933. The excavations at Dura-Europos: preliminary report of the fourth season of work, October 1930 - March 1931. New Haven: Yale University Press; Preliminary report upon the excavations at Tel Umar, Irak. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; Waterman, L. 1933. Second preliminary report upon the excavations at Tel Umar, Irak. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; Kitto, H. D. F. 1933. In the mountains of Greece. London: Methuen.  In JHS 53, 2 (1933) 305-06 [JSTOR]
  • Bittel, K. 1934. Prähistorische Forschung in Kleinasien. Istanbul: Archáologisches Institut des deutschen Reisches. In JHS 54, 2 (1934) 211-12 [JSTOR]
  • Audiat, J. 1933. Topographie et Architecture: le Trésor des Athéniens. Fouilles de Delphes, vol. 2. Paris: E. de Boccard; Buschor, E. 1934. Altsamische Standbilder I. Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann. In JHS 54, 2 (1934) 214-15 [JSTOR]
  • Chapouthier, F. 1935. Le sanctuaire des dieux de Samothrace. Délos, vol. 16. Paris: de Boccard; Dyggve, E., F. Poulsen, and K. Rhomaios. 1934. Das Heroon von Kalydon. D. Kgl. Danks Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter, vol. 4, 4. Copenhagen: Levin and Munksgaard; Buschor, E. 1935. Altsamische Standbilder II. Berlin: Archáologisches Institut des deutschen Reisches. In JHS 55, 2 (1935) 243-44 [JSTOR]
  • Bittel, K. 1937. Die Ruinen von Bogazköy. Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter; Bittel, K. 1937. Bogazköy: die Kleinfunde der Grabungen 1906-1912, I. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, vol. 60. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrich. In JHS 57, 2 (1937) 258-59 [JSTOR]
  • Hampe, R. 1936. Frühe Griechische Sagenbilder. Athens: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. In JHS 57, 1 (1937) 89-90 [JSTOR]
  • Buschor, E. 1935. Altsamische Standbilder III. Berlin: Archäologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches. In JHS 57, 2 (1937) 90-91 [JSTOR]
  • Jantzen, U. 1937. Bronzewerkstätten in Grossgriechenland und Sizilien. Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Ergänzungsheft, vol. 13. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
    In JHS 57, 2 (1937) 262-63 [JSTOR]    
  •  Further items will be added.

Thursday 27 August 2009

Winifred Lamb excavating on Lesbos

The dates for excavations and related work:
  • 1928: late March and early April (looking for a suitable site); autumn (excavating at Methymna); mid-November (discovers the site of Thermi)
  • 1929: 5 April - 1 June (Thermi)
  • 1930: 31 March - 30 June (Thermi)
  • 1931: 21 March - 11 June (Thermi); 15 June - 27 June (Antissa)
  • 1932: 22 March - 5 July (on Lesbos); 29 May - 3 July (Antissa)
  • 1933: January to July (working on Thermi material)

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Mycenae 1921: Winifred Lamb

Winifred Lamb presented the results of the second season of excavations at Mycenae. She deputised for Wace at the annual meeting in October 1921. Her lecture was for 40-45 minutes and afterwards Sir Arthur Evans spoke and made 'charming compliment on my work w[ith] the frescoes'.

© David Gill

Monday 27 April 2009

The Annual Meeting of Subscribers (1921-38)

The Annual Meetings took place on:
  • 1921, Tuesday 25 October. Burlington House. Chair: Sir John Gennadius.
  • 1922, Tuesday 31 October. Burlington House.
  • 1923, Tuesday 30 October. Burlington House. Chair: William Ralph Inge, The Dean of St Paul's. (Inge's brother, Charles Cuthbert, had been admitted to the BSA.)
  • 1924, Tuesday 28 October. Burlington House. Chair: Montague Rhodes James, the Provost of Eton.
  • 1925
  • 1926, Tuesday 2 November. Aeolian Hall. Chair, Stanley Baldwin, the Prime Minister.
  • 1927, Tuesday 1 November. Burlington House. Chair, Dr John William Mackail, president of the Classical Association.
  • 1928, Tuesday 6 November. Burlington House. Chair: David Alexander Edward Lindsay, Earl of Crawford and Earl of Balcarres.
  • 1929, Tuesday 5 November. Burlington House. Chair: Sir Rennell Rodd.
  • 1930, Tuesday 4 November. Burlington House. Chair: Sir Henry Hadow, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sheffield.
  • 1931, Tuesday 7 November. Burlington House.
  • 1932, Tuesday 8 November. Burlington House. Chair: Sir Reginald Blomfield, architect.
  • 1933, Wednesday 8 November. Burlington House. Chair: Sir Charles Peers.
  • 1934, Tuesday 30 October. Burlington House.
  • 1935, Tuesday 12 November. burlington House. Chair: Sir George Hill, Director of the British Museum.
  • 1936, Tuesday 17 November. Burlington House. Chair: Lord Eustace Percy.
  • 1937, Tuesday 12 October. Burlington House.
  • 1938, Tuesday 29 November. Burlington House. Chair: the Crown Prince of Sweden.

This list will be revised.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Students at the British School at Athens (1918-23)

Students admitted under Alan Wace:
  • Harold Collingham: 1919-20 (Craven Student). Queens' College, Cambridge.
  • M. Tierney: 1919-20. University of Ireland.
  • Arnold Walter Lawrence (1900-91): 1919-20 (Craven Fund); 1921-22; 1924-25 (Craven Fellow). New College, Oxford. [ODNB]
  • J.B. Hutton: 1920-21 (Carnegie Trustees).
  • Frank Laurence Lucas (1894-1967): 1920-21 (School Student). Trinity College, Cambridge [ODNB]
  • Bernard Ashmole (1894-1988): 1920-21, 1921-22 (Craven Fellow). Hertford College, Oxford. [ODNB]
  • Henry Theodore Wade Gery (1888-1972): 1920-21; 1921-22, 1922-23. New College, Oxford. [DBC]
  • J.J.E. Hondius: 1920-21 (Foreign Student). University of Utrecht.
  • C.A. Boethius: 1920-21, 1921-22 (Foreign Student). University of Upsala.
  • L.ilian Chandler (Mrs Batey): 1920-21 (Gustav Sachs Memorial Studentship). University of Sheffield.
  • Mary A.B. Herford (Mrs Gustav E.K. Braunholtz): 1920-21. University of Manchester; Somerville College, Oxford.
  • Winifred Lamb (1894-1963): 1920-21; 1921-22, 1922-23, 1923-24, 1924-25, 1927-28, 1928-29, 1929-30, 1930-31. Newnham College, Cambridge. [ODNB]
  • M.A. Hondius-Van Haeften: 1920-21 (Foreign Student). University of Utrecht.
  • Walter Abel Heurtley (1882-1955): 1921-22, 1922-23. Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge; Oxford (Diploma of Archaeology). [DBC]
  • Richard Wyatt Hutchinson (1894-1970): 1921-22; 1930-31. St John's College, Cambridge. [DBC]
  • J.E. Scott: 1921-22. Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
  • E. Smith: 1921-22 (Foreign Student). University of Christiana.
  • A. Smith (Mrs E. Smith): 1921-22 (Foreign Student). University of Christiana.
  • E. Kjellberg: 1921-22 (Foreign Student). University of Lund.
  • J. Waldis: 1921-22 (Foreign Student). University of Zurich.
  • G. Snijder: 1921-22 (Foreign Student). University of Utrecht.
  • John Bell (1890-1958): 1922-23. Balliol College, Oxford. [Obituary: The Times 9 May 1958]
  • Stewart Studdert Clarke (1897-1924): 1922-23, 1923-24 (Craven Fellow). Balliol College, Oxford. Drowned off Salamis. [Obituary: The Times 6 May 1924]
  • Bertrand Leslie Hallward (1901-2003): 1922-23 (School Student). [ODNB]
  • Duncan Campbell MacGregor (c. 1889-1939): 1922-23. Edinburgh University; Trinity College, Oxford. [Obituary: The Times 14 March 1939]
  • Jocelyn Mary Pybus (Mrs A.M. Woodward) (d. 1974): 1922-23. Newnham College, Cambridge.
  • A.G. Russell: 1922-23 (Sachs Student). University of Liverpool.
  • Charles Theodore Seltman (1886-1957): 1922-23 (Prendergast Student). Queens' College, Cambridge. [DBC]
  • O.J. Todd: 1922-23. University of British Columbia.
  • J. Webb: 1922-23. University of Melbourne.

Assistant Directors: The Inter-War Years

The Assistant Directors were:
  • Stanley Casson: 1920-23. [DBC]
  • Walter Abel Heurtley: 1923-33. [DBC]
  • Romilly James Heald Jenkins: 1933 (Senior Student). [Obituary: The Times 9 October 1969]
  • Arthur Hubert Stanley ('Peter') Megaw: 1934 (Senior Student and Librarian); 1935-36. [Obituary: The Times 4 August 2006]
  • Thomas James Dunbabin: 1936-46 (Deputy Director from 1939). [DBC]
Cambridge: Heurtley, Jenkins, Megaw.
Oxford: Casson, Dunbabin.

Directors: The Inter-War Years

The Directors of the BSA during the period 1918-1945 were:
  • Alan John Bayard Wace: 1914-23. [ODNB]
  • Arthur Maurice Woodward: 1923-29. [DBC]
  • Humfry Gilbert Garth Payne: 1929-36. [ODNB]
  • Alan Albert Antisdel Blakeway: 1936. [DBC]
  • Gerard Mackworth Young (Mackworth-Young from 1947): 1936-46. [ODNB]
Cambridge: Wace, Young.
Oxford: Woodward, Payne, Blakeway.

Monday 19 January 2009

BSA Students from Cambridge and the Fitzwilliam Museum

Cambridge students made a large contribution to the life and research of the BSA in the period up to the outbreak of the First World War. Many of the students became donors of the Fitzwilliam Museum, including:
  • Robert Carr Bosanquet
  • Richard MacG. Dawkins
  • John P. Droop
  • Wilfrid Jerome Farrell
  • Ernest A. Gardner
  • Francis Henry Hill Guillemard
  • F.W. Hasluck
  • M.R. James
  • W. Loring
  • John Hubert Marshall
  • Eustace M.W. Tillyard
  • Alan J.B. Wace
  • V.W. Yorke

Saturday 17 January 2009

BSA: The Cambridge Contribution

As Cambridge University celebrates its 800th anniversary (BBC), it is worth remembering the university's contribution to the BSA. The university made a major financial contribution to the work of the BSA. All but two of the directors in the period up to the end of the First World War were from Cambirdge:
Among the Cambridge scholars who influenced the early students was Sir William Ridgeway; classical archaeology thrived in the period up to the First World War.

The post-World War 1 period included scholars like John Pendlebury and Winifred Lamb. Material from BSA (and related) excavations (e.g. Cyprus; Melos; Crete; Laconia; Thermi) was donated to the Fitzwilliam Museum.