Monday 31 March 2008

Asia Minor Exploration Fund: Funding

One of the constant refrains of the BSA Managing Committee in the early years concerned finance. Yet this is hardly surprising given the demands from other archaeological projects in the eastern Mediterranean. George Macmillan was Honorary Treasurer of the Asia Minor Exploration Fund (AMEF) and made constant appeals:
  • 1882: £520 raised
  • 1883: £300 spent on travels in Anatolia; further appeal for £500.
  • 1890: appeal for £500 to cover the 1890 season
  • 1891: appeal for £400 to cover the 1891 season
  • 1893: £150 raised (of which £100 from the Royal Geographical Society)
  • 1893: appeal for £2000 to excavate at Derbe or Lystra
The BSA students were often involved with the work of AMEF from its earliest years, notably David Hogarth, John A.R. Munro, and Vincent W. Yorke.

The appeal for funds took a nationalistic tone:
It would be little to the credit of England if want of funds should oblige Professor Ramsay to leave the completion of his task to foreign hands. (1890)

One might wish that a foreign nation had not stepped in to a field which, with more liberality on the part of Englishmen, could have been covered completely by our own explorers, but the work is so vast that in the interests of knowledge the application of foreign zeal and money is not altogether to be regretted. (1891)

Very much yet remains to be done, and if the work so well begun by a small band of Englishmen is not to be left unfinished or transferred to foreign hands, English liberality must supply the funds necessary for its continuance. (1893)
It is little wonder that the BSA was only raising some £500 a year when there were such competing demands on the same subscribers.

Friday 28 March 2008

BSA Students and Archaeological Work in the Mediterranean Before the First World War

In the period up to the outbreak of the First World War BSA students were involved in archaeological work ranging from Sicily to Syria, from Tripolitania and Egypt to Macedonia (and beyond). Their focus was well beyond mainland Greece, the Aegean islands, and Crete.

Is there a major difference between official BSA archaeological projects and other work supported by students? For example, the excavations of the Cyprus Exploration Fund were directed by Ernest Gardner; and even when archaeological work on the island was taken over by the British Museum, BSA Students took part in the excavations and sometimes even directed (Francis B. Welch). The Asia Minor Exploration Fund, established before the BSA, accommodated BSA students from David Hogarth to the work on Roman colonies by G.L. Cheesman.

The BSA was associated with formal excavations at Megalopolis, Phylakopi on Melos, and at Sparta, as well as less ambitious work at Kynosarges. At the same time exploratory work was conducted at Cyzicus, and it had been hoped to open a site in Lycia, at Datcha or Colophon.

The archaeological impact of the BSA went far beyond the Aegean. It covered the Bronze Age but also firmly embraced Roman remains in Anatolia, Byzantine architecture, and even medieval castles in the Levant.

Asia Minor Exploration Fund

The Asia Minor Exploration Fund was an initiative of the Hellenic Society. It was established during 1882, and by 1883 the Fund had raised £500.

The committee consisted of:
Fergusson had links with Heinrich Schliemann, and published on Halicarnassus and Ephesus.

Wednesday 26 March 2008

Cyprus Exploration Fund: Equipment at Kouklia

Work at the temple of Aphrodite at Old Paphos (Kouklia) started on 1 February 1888. Hogarth (in Gardner et al. 1888: 159) recorded immediate delays:
We had been unable to bring more than the few picks, spades, and baskets which had been in use at Leontari, the Nicosia blacksmiths being incapable of turning out our further order very quickly, and accordingly batches of tools kept arriving about once a week, and our full stock was not on the spot until March 9th. This will explain why we began upon the temple with a small staff only, and why we were compelled to restrict ourselves to trenching for nearly three weeks—in the absence of wheelbarrows or baskets the earth could not be removed.
Gardner, E. A., D. G. Hogarth, M. R. James, and R. Elsey Smith. 1888. "Excavations in Cyprus, 1887-8. Paphos, Leontari, Amargetti." Journal of Hellenic Studies 9: 147-271. [JSTOR]

Tuesday 25 March 2008

Cyprus Exploration Fund

The Cyprus Exploration Fund (CEF) was formed in the summer of 1887. The circular explained:
It has long been felt by students that systematic archæological researches ought to be undertaken in Cyprus and it has often been made a subject of reproach against this country that no such researches have been attempted since the island came under English government. Private and casual excavations at various sites have already yielded results of the greatest importance for the study both of Greek art itself and of the foreign influences which surrounded its cradle. Such excavations have lately been prohibited by authority, but not until their fruits had convinced those interested in the subject that regular and scientifically-conducted researches should, if possible, be set on foot under official sanction without delay.
The CEF committee consisted of:
The CEF was supported by the BSA, the Hellenic Society, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge - each gave £150 to the Fund - as well as private subscribers.

The initial permit was given to excavate at the temple of Aphrodite at Paphos. The second season included work at Poli and Limniti, and the third at Salamis. The balance of the Fund was given to the BSA to support work on Cyprus; J.L. Myres was awarded a grant for excavations on the island in 1894.

Finds from the excavations were shared between:
  • The British Museum
  • The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
  • The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
  • Eton
  • Harrow
  • Winchester
  • Rugby
  • Charterhouse
  • Westminster
  • Marlborough
  • Clifton
Excavation Reports
Gardner, E. A., D. G. Hogarth, M. R. James, and R. Elsey Smith. 1888. "Excavations in Cyprus, 1887-8. Paphos, Leontari, Amargetti." Journal of Hellenic Studies 9: 147-271. [JSTOR]
Munro, J. A. R., and H. A. Tubbs. 1890. "Excavations in Cyprus, 1889. Second season's work. Polis tes Chrysochou. Limniti." Journal of Hellenic Studies 11: 1-99. [JSTOR]
Munro, J. A. R., H. A. Tubbs, and W. W. Wroth. 1891. "Excavations in Cyprus, 1890. Third season's work. Salamis." Journal of Hellenic Studies 12: 59-198. [JSTOR]
Munro, J. A. R. 1891. "Excavations in Cyprus. Third season's work - Polis tes Chrysochou." Journal of Hellenic Studies 12: 298-333. [JSTOR]
Myres, J. L. 1897. "Excavations in Cyprus in 1894." Journal of Hellenic Studies 17: 134-73. [JSTOR]
Ohnefalsch-Richter, M. H., and J. L. Myres. 1899. A catalogue of the Cyprus museum: with a chronicle of excavations undertaken since the British occupation, and introductory notes on Cypriote archaeology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Accounts of travels
Hogarth, D. G. 1889. Devia Cypria: notes of an archaeological journey in Cyprus in 1888. London: Henry Frowde.
Smith, R. Elsey. 1890. "Report of a tour in Greece and Cyprus." Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Thursday 20 March 2008

Easter at the BSA

Easter Sunday had a special significance for Ellen S. Bosanquet, wife of the School's Director, Robert. On April 17 1903, Orthodox Easter, she gave birth to their first child, Charles.

She describes the day in Late harvest: memories, letters and poems (London: Chameleon Press). The court physician, Dr Louros, attended her:
It was rather a shock when the crucial moment arrived ... and I found at the bedside, not an accoucher in nice white drill jacket, but a Court official clad in blue cloth and gold braid, with orders jingling in a row on his chest. I have no doubt he had come to me straight from some court function ... The pangs of childbirth were punctuated throughout that day by the continual popping of firearms, for the Greeks celebrate Easter by "shooting Judas" at intervals. Finally, when it was seen that I had given birth to a son on Easter Day, there was universal rejoicing for a variety of reasons.
Charles later became the first Vice-Chancellor of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Friday 14 March 2008

Sparta: a visit in 1914

In the spring of 1914 Agnes Ethel Conway (1885-1950) and Evelyn Radford (1887-1969) visited Sparta as part of a wider tour of the Peloponnese. Both had studied at Newnham College, Cambridge.
We found the remains of a barely recognizable theatre almost hidden in cornfields, and a bit of a Roman wall. As for the excavations of the precinct of Artemis Orthia, which have yielded the British archæologists objects of great importance in an unbroken succession from the tenth century B.C. downward, we could scarcely believe that the rubbishy foundation walls had not been built the other day by peasants. Had we come upon such things ourselves, we should have shamefacedly covered them up again and said nothing about them! A shepherd’s hut on the edge of the enclosure was infinitely better built.
The excavations had been completed under Richard Dawkins.

Thursday 13 March 2008

Megalopolis: 'A quarrel is a capital thing'

The interpretation of the theatre at Megalopolis caused a major disagreement between the British excavators and Wilhelm Dörpfeld. Eugénie Sellers wrote a letter in support of Dörpfeld (and critical of Ernest Gardner, the Director of the BSA) to the Athenaeum ('The Theatres of Megalopolis', July 4, 1891). In addition, a short note from her, dated March 29 [1891], was published by the Classical Review (5, 5, May 1891) along with a summary of Dörpfeld's comments summarised by Louis Dyer.

Sellers' letter, and the wider dispute, was noted in the weekly theatrical newspaper The Era ('Theatrical Gossip', July 11, 1891).
A quarrel is a capital thing in a family, but, like all other good things, it should come to an end some time or other. There was a theatre built several hundred years B.C., of which a good deal still remains to be quarrelled over; but we must say that we think it would show better taste if people just dropped the subject now. The theatre (or its ruins) is at Megalopolis; but it is quite a long time since there were any performances there—a thousand years, very likely. Probably the Megalopolitan Lord Chamberlain would insist on its being relicensed if they wanted to play the Agamemnon or the Seven Against Thebes there now; and, anyhow, we think Mr Gardner and Dr. Dörpfeld might leave off squabbling about it in the highly respectable page of the Athenaeum. No doubt the point they are fighting over is one of supreme importance. Dr. Dörpfeld says that the lower steps could not possibly, any more than the wall at the back, belong to the original structure, and Mr Gardner says contrariwise. But, after a thousand years or so, even a subject like this palls, unless, indeed, it is treated by Mr Rider Haggard; and Mr Gardner's obstinacy has actually brought a pretty girl into the controversy. Miss (or Mrs) Eugénie Sellers—we do not know her, but she must be pretty with that name—has only last week written a letter to say that Mr G. is a bold, bad man and has no right to chaff Dr. D. about the scænæ frons when he makes such gross errors himself about the logeion. Eugénie even goes so far as to say some very cross things about certain Skenengebäude mentioned by Mr G.
© David Gill

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Melos: the churches

In April 1896 Robert Carr Bosanquet, who had been left in charge of the excavations while Cecil Harcourt-Smith was in Athens, was joined on Melos by two contemporaries from Trinity College, Cambridge: Henry Martineau Fletcher (1870-1953) and Sydney Decimus Kitson (1871-1937). Fletcher and Kitson had both matriculated at Trinity in 1889 (the year above Bosanquet) and were on an extended trip through Italy and Greece. While on Melos they made a study of the Byzantine churches. Neither was admitted as a student of the BSA.

Fletcher had been educated at Marlborough, and had been awarded a first in Part 1 of the Cambridge Classical Tripos (1892). He was articled to Mervyn Macartney. He later worked as an architect (FRIBA 1908) and served as Vice-President (1929-31) Honorary Secretary (1934-39) of RIBA. He helped to design the War Memorial at St John's College, Cambridge.

Kitson had been educated at Charterhouse. Kitson's father, James, was a locomotive engineer; his half-brother was the First Baron Airedale. Kitson was articled to E.J. May in London. He practised as an architect in Leeds as the senior partner of Kitson, Parish, Ledgard and Pyman. Among his designs was the Leeds School of Art. Kitson was an authority of John Sell Cotman and the Norwich School of painting. His collection of Cotman drawings and watercolours were bequeathed to RIBA; a former BSA student, Adolph Paul Oppé, prepared the catalogue.

Fletcher, H. M., and S. D. Kitson. 1895/6. "The churches of Melos." Annual of the British School at Athens 2: 155-68.

Monday 10 March 2008

Cyzicus and Robert De Rustafjaell

Robert De Rustafjaell --- changed from Robert Fawcus-Smith in October 1894 --- first visited the site of Cyzicus on the south coast of the sea of Marmara in 1900. He quickly obtained a firman for excavating and initiated work in the summer of 1901. However he needed additional archaeological expertise and approached the British School at Athens.

In December 1901 Robert Carr Bosanquet, director of the BSA, and Frederick W. Hasluck visited the site of Cyzicus with De Rustafjaell. They made a preliminary report on the site, making particular note of the inscriptions:
Dost remember the Poseidon monument, a pedestal or altar with tridents and fish and galleys thereon, which was represented on several of De R.'s photographs? We went this morning and dug it out and made paper impressions of the inscriptions.
Bosanquet continued with a description of his visit to the amphitheatre:
And Hasluck and I took the village watchman, a Tcherkess from the Caucasus, who patrols the fields armed with an old musket, and went to the amphitheatre, a most beautiful spot outside the walls. A stream has burst through the mighty fence and careers through the arena; a great part of the walls has fallen; but great piles of masonry still tower to heaven, and the hillsides are full of overgrown vaults; the whole hollow is a mass of luxuriant thickets, bay, arbutus, ivy and honeysuckle; sprays of unripe blackberries hang over the water.
In the end Bosanquet decided to excavate at Palaikastro on Crete, but Hasluck and the school architect, Arthur Henderson, continued to plan the site and record inscriptions.

Hasluck, F. W. 1901/02. "Sculptures from Cyzicus." Annual of the British School at Athens 8: 190-96.
—. 1902. "An inscribed basis from Cyzicus." Journal of Hellenic Studies 22: 126-34. [JSTOR]
—. 1903. "Inscriptions from Cyzicus." Journal of Hellenic Studies 23: 75-91. [JSTOR]
—. 1904. "Unpublished inscriptions from the Cyzicus neighbourhood." Journal of Hellenic Studies 24: 20-40. [JSTOR]
—. 1904/05. "Notes on the Lion group from Cyzicus." Annual of the British School at Athens 11: 151-52.
—. 1907. "Inscriptions from the Cyzicus district, 1906." Journal of Hellenic Studies 27: 61-67. [JSTOR]
—. 1910. Cyzicus: being some account of the history and antiquities of that city, and of the district adjacent to it: with the towns of Apollonia ad Rhyndoveum, Miletupolis, Hadrianutherae, Priapus, Zeleia, etc. Cambridge archaeological and ethnological series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [WorldCat]
Hasluck, F. W., and A. E. Henderson. 1904. "On the topography of Cyzicus." Journal of Hellenic Studies 24: 135-43.
Rustafjaell, R. de 1902. "Cyzicus." Journal of Hellenic Studies 22: 174-89. [JSTOR]
Smith, C., and R. de Rustafjaell. 1902. "Inscriptions from Cyzicus." Journal of Hellenic Studies 22: 190-207. [JSTOR]

Hasluck's image of the statue base of Antonia Tryphaena, excavated by De Rustafjaell at Cyzicus in 1901.

Friday 7 March 2008

Macedonian Exploration Fund

The Macedonian Exploration Fund was announced in March 1911:
Preliminary journeys in Macedonia have shown that local conditions are exceptionally favourable to more systematic work; and it has been decided to form a committee of Oxford and Cambridge scholars to conduct research in the history, archaeology, and anthropology of these Balkan lands.
The initial support had come, in part, from Liverpool where Myres had held a chair (until 1910 when he moved back to Oxford). As money did not seem to be forthcoming a further announcement was made. The Times (July 31, 1911) reported:
Macedonia, as well as Thrace, has hitherto has been a terra incognita, though afford a most promising field for research in prehistoric, classical, Byzantine, and medieval archaeology.
Alan J.B. Wace and Maurice S. Thompson had just completed their research in Thessaly and were engaged for the work in Macedonia.

The outbreak of the First Balkan War in October 1912 (and the capture of Salonica in November) disrupted further work. As war broke out throughout Europe Wace explored the possibility of excavating at Olynthos (though this was in fact conducted by the American D.M. Robinson after the First World War). The trench warfare in Macedonia brought to light numerous archaeologial sites and the British School conducted further excavations during the 1920s.

The Committee
Donors to the Macedonian Exploration Fund
Casson, S., and E. A. Gardner. 1918/19. "Macedonia. II. Antiquities found in the British Zone, 1915-1919." Annual of the British School at Athens 23: 10-43, pls. i-xiii.
Heurtley, W. A. 1939. Prehistoric Macedonia: an archaeological reconnaissance of Greek Macedonia (west of the Struma) in the Neolithic, Bronze, and early Iron ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wace, A. J. B. 1914/16. "The site of Olynthus." Annual of the British School at Athens 21: 11-15.
Wace, A. J. B., and M. S. Thompson. 1911. "The Distribution of Early Civilization in Northern Greece." Geographical Journal 37: 631-36.
Wace, A. J. B., and A. M. Woodward. 1911/12. "Inscriptions from Upper Macedonia." Annual of the British School at Athens 18: 166-88.
Woodward, A. M. 1911/12. "Inscriptions from Beroea in Macedonia." Annual of the British School at Athens 18: 133-65.

Wednesday 5 March 2008

BSA and Anatolia: Colophon

Cecil Harcourt-Smith, in his last year of office as Director, joined the steam yacht Rona belonging to Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild, a major donor to the BSA, in the early part of 1897. Clearly one of the objects was to identify a possible major site for excavation after the work at Phylakopi on Melos.

The cruise took Harcourt-Smith to Salonica and through the Aegean. He was particularly interested in the site of Colophon to the south of Smyrna. Hamdi Bey, Director of the Imperial Museums in Constantinople, was approached for a firman. However due to the outbreak of war in Thessaly and on Crete, the excavation never took place.

The American School also considered Colophon a suitable site to excavate though the work did not start until after the First World War in 1922 and quickly came to a halt due to events in Anatolia.

Tuesday 4 March 2008

Edwin Freshfield and Sidney Barnsley

Sidney Howard Barnsley (1865-1926) was admitted to the BSA in 1887/88 as an architectural student of the Royal Academy. He worked on Byzantine architecture in Salonica and Mount Athos as part of a project directed by Dr Edwin Freshfield, a trustee of the BSA.

Freshfield lived at Lower Kingswood in Surrey and commissioned Barnsley to design a new church, 'The Wisdom of God', in a Byzantine style.

Donors to the BSA

The 'Rules and Regulations' of the BSA defined three different types of Subscribers. The first was defined as:
(1) Donors of £10 and upwards.
This was later changed to:
(1) Donors, other than Corporate Bodies, of £10 and upwards.
Donors included:
  • Sir William Reynell Anson (1843-1914), Warden of All Souls, Oxford; vice-chancellor (1898); MP for Oxford University (£10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1901/02; £10, 1902/03; £10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1907/08; £10, 1908/09; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13; £10, 1913/14)
  • Colonel O. Chambers (£10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01)
  • Lord Egerton of Tatton / Rt. Hon. Earl Egerton (Wilbraham Egerton) (1832-1909) (£10.10.0, 1895/96; £10.10.0, 1896/97; £10.10.0, 1897/98; £10.10.0, 1898/99; £10.10.0, 1899/1900; £10.10.0, 1900/01; £10.10.0, 1901/02; £10.10.0, 1902/03; £10.10.0, 1904/05; £10.10.0, 1905/06; £10.10.0, 1906/07)
  • Sir Arthur J. Evans (1851-1941) (£10, 1894/95; £10, 1895/96; £10, 1896/97; £10, 1897/98; £10, 1898/9; £10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1901/02; £10, 1902/03; £10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1907/08; £10, 1908/09; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13; £10, 1913/14; £10, 1914/15; £10, 1915/16; £10, 1916/17; £10, 1917/18)
  • Douglas William Freshfield (1845-1934) (£10, 1895/96; £10, 1896/97; £10, 1897/98; £10, 1898/9; £10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1902/03; £10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1907/08; £10, 1908/09; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1912/13; £10, 1913/14; £10, 1914/15; £10, 1915/16; £10, 1916/17; £10, 1917/18)
  • Lord Hillingdon (Charles Henry Mills, first Baron Hillingdon [1830–1898]) (£10, 1895/96; £10, 1896/97; £10, 1897/98)
  • Thomas Hodgkin (1831-1913) (£10, 1902/03; £10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1907/08; £10, 1908/09; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13)
  • Lady Howard de Walden (Lady Lucy Joan Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck) (d. 1899); widow of Charles Augustus Ellis, sixth Baron Howard de Walden and second Baron Seaford (1799–1868) (£20, 1897/98; £20, 1896/97; £20, 1898/9)
  • Walter Leaf (1852-1927) (£100, 1894/95; £20, 1895/96; £20, 1896/97; £20, 1897/98; £20, 1898/9; £50, 1899/1900; £50, 1900/01; £20, 1901/02; £50, 1902/03; £50, 1904/05; £50, 1905/06; £50, 1906/07; £50, 1907/08; £50, 1908/09; £50, 1909/10; £50, 1910/11; £50, 1911/12; £50, 1912/13; £50, 1913/14; £50, 1914/15; £50, 1915/16; £50, 1916/17; £50, 1917/18)
  • William Loring (1865-1915) (£15, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01)
  • Sir Thomas Lucas (1822-1902) (£10, 1895/96; £10.10.0, 1897/98; £10.10.0, 1898/9)
  • George A. Macmillan (£10.10.0, 1894/95; £10.10.0, 1895/96; £10.10.0, 1896/97; £10.10.0, 1897/98; £20, 1898/9; £25, 1899/1900; £25, 1900/01; £25, 1901/02; £25, 1902/03; £50, 1904/05; £50, 1905/06; £50, 1906/07; £50, 1907/08; £50, 1908/09; £50, 1909/10; £50, 1910/11; £50, 1911/12; £50, 1912/13; £50, 1913/14; £50, 1914/15; £25, 1915/16; £25, 1916/17; £25, 1917/18)
  • Macmillan & Co. (£20, 1895/96; £20, 1896/97; £20, 1897/98; £20, 1898/9)
  • C.W. Mitchell (£10, 1895/96; £10, 1897/98£10, 1898/9; £10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1901/02; £10, 1902/03; )
  • Ludwig Mond (1839-1909) (£100, 1895/96; £100, 1896/97; £100, 1897/98; £100, 1898/9; £100, 1899/1900; £100, 1900/01; £100, 1901/02; £100, 1902/03; £100, 1904/05; £100, 1905/06; £100, 1906/07; £100, 1907/08; £100, 1908/09)
  • Walter Morrison (1836-1921); a founder of the Palestine Exploration Fund (£10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13; £10, 1913/14; £10, 1914/15)
  • Mrs J.W. Pease (£10.10.0, 1902/03)
  • Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild (1839-1898) (£50, 1895/96; £50, 1896/97; £50, 1897/98)
  • Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema (1836-1912) (£20, 1895/96; £20, 1896/97; £20, 1897/98; £20, 1898/9; £20, 1899/1900)
  • Mrs Hedwig Tod, Edinburgh (£10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13)
  • Rev. Henry Fanshawe Tozer (1829-1916) (£10, 1894/95; £10, 1895/96; £10, 1896/97; £10, 1897/98; £10, 1898/9; £10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1901/02; £10, 1902/03; £10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1907/08; £10, 1908/09; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13; £10, 1913/14; £10, 1914/15; £10, 1915/16)
  • Sir Julius (Charles) Wernher (1850-1912) (£25, 1899/1900; £25, 1900/01; £25, 1901/02; £25, 1902/03; £25, 1904/05; £25, 1905/06; £25, 1906/07; £25, 1907/08; £25, 1908/09; £25, 1909/10; £25, 1910/11; £25, 1911/12)
This working list will be revised; 8 October 2008.

Monday 3 March 2008

The BSA and Egypt: Naukratis Excavation Fund

Just over £187 was raised for the excavation of Naukratis in 1899 by David Hogarth. The main donor was the Society of Dilettanti with £100. The Fitzwilliam and Ashmolean Museums also supported the project (£15 and £10, respectively).

Private donors

The Annual Meeting of Subscribers: Chair (1886-1918)

Those chairing the Annual Meeting of Subscribers:
  • 1886, October 19 (Royal Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): Professor Charles T. Newton (The Earl of Carnarvon absent)
  • 1887, July 6 ('Society of Athens') [First Annual Meeting]: the Earl of Carnarvon (Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, Fourth Earl of Carnarvon)
  • 1888, July 18 (Society of Antiquaries): Lord Herschell (Farrer Herschell, First Baron Herschell, Lord Chancellor)
  • 1889, July 10 (The Society of Arts): the Earl of Carnarvon (Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, Fourth Earl of Carnarvon)
  • 1890, July 2 (Royal Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): Francis C. Penrose, former director (Lord Savile [John Savile, first Baron Savile of Rufford] absent)
  • 1891, July 3 (Royal Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): Lord Justice Bowen (Charles Synge Christopher Bowen, Baron Bowen)
  • 1892, July 7 (Royal Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): Lord Bute (John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, third marquess of Bute)
  • 1893, July 19 (Society of Antiquaries): The Archbishop of Canterbury (Edward White Benson)
  • 1894, July 11 (Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): Mr Bryce, MP (James Bryce, President of the Board of Trade, 1894-95)
  • 1895, July 17 (Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): Lord Lingen, KCB (Ralph Robert Wheeler Lingen, Baron Lingen; former Permanent Secretary at the Treasury)
  • 1896, July 13 (Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): The Rt Hon. John Morley, MP
  • 1897, July 15 (Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): Sir Edward Poynter, PRA
  • 1898, October 20 (Society of Antiquaries): The Lord Bishop of London (Mandell Creighton).
  • 1899, October 30 (Society of Antiquaries): Sir William R. Anson, Bart., DCL, Warden of All Souls' College, and MP for Oxford University.
  • 1900, October 30 (Society of Antiquaries): The Rt Hon. Herbert Henry Asquith, QC, MP
  • 1901, October 24 (Society of Antiquaries): Sir Richard Jebb, MP
  • 1902, October 14 (Society of Antiquaries): Dr Thomas Hodgkin
  • 1903, October 23 (Royal Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): Professor Samuel Henry Butcher
  • 1904, October 27 (Society of Antiquaries): Sir Robert Finlay, KC, MP, the Attorney-General
  • 1905, October 24 (Society of Antiquaries): The Rt Revd George Forrest Browne, DD, Bishop of Bristol
  • 1906, October 30 (Society of Antiquaries): The Earl of Halsbury (Hardinge Stanley Giffard, first earl of Halsbury)
  • 1907, October 29 (Society of Antiquaries): Professor Percy Gardner
  • 1908, October 27 (Society of Antiquaries): Lord Cromer (Evelyn Baring, First Earl Cromer)
  • 1909, October 19 (Society of Antiquaries): Professor Gilbert Murray
  • 1910, October 23 (Society of Antiquaries): Sir Cecil Harcourt-Smith, former Director
  • 1911, November 7 (Society of Antiquaries): The Rt Revd the Dean of Westminster (Herbert Edward Ryle)
  • 1912, October 29 (Society of Antiquaries): George A. Macmillan, chairman of the Managing Committee
  • 1913, October 28 (Society of Antiquaries): Mr James Bryce, OM (President of the British Academy)
  • 1914
  • 1915, November 23 (Society of Antiquaries): George A. Macmillan, chairman of the Managing Committee
  • 1916, November 28 (Society of Antiquaries): George A. Macmillan, chairman of the Managing Committee
  • 1917, November 27 (Society of Antiquaries): George A. Macmillan, chairman of the Managing Committee
  • 1918, November 26 Society of Antiquaries): George A. Macmillan, chairman of the Managing Committee

The BSA and Egypt: Naukratis

Ernest Gardner had excavated with Flinders Petrie at Naukratis in the western Delta prior to his admission as a Student to the BSA. In 1898 the BSA's director David Hogarth was alerted to the damage to the site and, with the support of the Society of Dilettanti, conducted further excavations in 1899. Hogarth was assisted by two BSA students: Campbell Cowan Edgar (1870-1938) of Oriel College, Oxford (and a graduate of Glasgow University where he had been taught by Jebb and Murray), and Charles Douglas Edmonds (b. c. 1876) of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Hogarth returned to the site in 1903 for a final season.

Gardner, E. A. 1886. "Excavations at Naukratis." American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts 2: 180-81. [JSTOR]
—. 1888. Naukratis II. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Edgar, C. C. 1898/9a. "Excavations at Naukratis. B. The inscribed and painted pottery." Annual of the British School at Athens 5: 47-65.
—. 1898/9b. "Excavations at Naukratis. C. A relief." Annual of the British School at Athens 5: 65-67.
Gutch, C. 1898/9. "Excavations at Naukratis. D. The terracottas." Annual of the British School at Athens 5: 67-97.
Hogarth, D. G. 1898/9. "Excavations at Naukratis. A. Sites and buildings." Annual of the British School at Athens 5: 26-46.
Hogarth, D. G., H. L. Lorimer, and C. C. Edgar. 1905. "Naukratis, 1903." Journal of Hellenic Studies 25: 105–36. [JSTOR]