Wednesday 23 July 2008

Parental Background of BSA Students (1886-1914)

I was struck by the background of the fathers of students admitted to l'École française d'Athènes (EfA) in its first half century (1846-96). Here is a selection:
  • teachers in secondary education: 22%
  • doctors / pharmacists: 11%
  • legal profession: 9%
  • academics: 9%
  • financial sector: 2%
Contrast this with the 133 students from the BSA for the period 1886-1914:
  • clergy: 17%
  • legal profession: 11%
  • landed / farmers: 9%
  • financial sector: 6%
  • merchants: 6%
  • craftsmen: 6%
  • school teachers: 5%
  • academics: 4%
  • medical: 4%
Several of the school teachers were also ordained (usually in the Church of England). The fathers of three of the women were university academics, three were ordained ministers, and three were merchants. It has not been possible to identify the parental backgrounds for all the BSA students.

Valenti, C. 1996. "Les membres de l'École française d'Athènes: étude d'une élite universitaire (1846-1992)." Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120: 157-72. [Cefael]

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Student numbers at the BSA (1886-1914)

Over 130 students were admitted to the BSA from its opening first year in 1886 until the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. Only 50 students were admitted to l'École française d'Athènes (EfA) for the same period. There was a single session, 1908/09, in which there were more students admitted to the EfA than the BSA.

Gill, D. W. J. 2008. Students at the British School at Athens (1886-1914). Swansea: Ostraka Press. [Details]
Valenti, C. 1996. "Les membres de l'École française d'Athènes: étude d'une élite universitaire (1846-1992)." Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120: 157-72. [Cefael]

Monday 21 July 2008

Hellenic Ministry of Culture Website

There is a temporary (over a week now) problem with the official website. A temporary solution is now available here.

Thursday 10 July 2008

BSA Students (1886-1919): Archive Material

Some of the BSA students have papers listed on the National Register of Archives (NRA). These entries include a link to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. There is a facility for adding notes on each of the individuals. [For short biographies]

Anderson, John George Clark (1870-1952). Christ Church, Oxford.
Atkinson, Thomas Dinham (1864-1948). Architectural Student.
Benson, Edward Frederic (1867-1940). King’s, Cambridge.
Bevan, Edwyn Robert (1870-1943). New, Oxford.
Bosanquet, Robert Carr (1871-1935). Trinity, Cambridge.
Calder, William Moir (1881-1960). Christ Church, Oxford.
Casson, Stanley (1889-1944). Senior Scholar of St John’s College, Oxford.
Cheesman, George Leonard (1884-1915). Fellow of New College, Oxford.
Crowfoot, John Winter (1873-1959). Brasenose, Oxford.
Dawkins, Richard Mcgillivray (1871-1955). Emmanuel, Cambridge.
Findlay, Adam Fyfe (1869-1962). United Presbyterian Church.
Frazer, James George (1854-1941). Fellow of Trinity, Cambridge.
Fyfe, David Theodore (1875-1945). Glasgow School of Art.
Gardner, Ernest Arthur (1862-1939). Gonville & Caius, Cambridge.
Guillemard, Francis Henry Hill (1852-1933). Gonville & Caius, Cambridge.
Halliday (Hoffmeister), William Reginald (1886-1966). New, Oxford.
Hawes, Charles Henry (1867-1943). Trinity, Cambridge.
Hogarth, David George (1862-1927). Magdalen, Oxford.
James, Montague Rhodes (1862-1936). King’s, Cambridge.
Jones, Henry Stuart (1867-1939). Fellow of Trinity, Oxford.
Lorimer, (Elizabeth) Hilda Lockhart (1873-1954). Classical tutor of Somerville College, Oxford.
Marshall, John Hubert (1876-1958). King’s, Cambridge.
Mayor, Robert John Grote (1869-1947). King’s, Cambridge.
Munro, John Arthur Ruskin (1864-1944). Fellow of Lincoln, Oxford.
Myres, John Linton (1869-1954). Fellow of Magdalen, Oxford.
Oppé, Adolph Paul (1878-1957). New, Oxford.
Ormerod, Henry Arderne (1886-1964). Queen’s, Oxford.
Peet, Thomas Eric (1882-1934). Queen’s, Oxford.
Pirie-Gordon, Charles Harry Clinton, of Buthlaw (1883-1969). Magdalen, Oxford.
Richards, George Chatterton (1867-1951). Fellow of Hertford, Oxford.
Robinson, Edward Stanley Gotch (1887-1976). Christ Church, Oxford.
Sellers, Eugénie (Mrs A. Arthur Strong) (1860-1943). Girton, Cambridge.
Sikes, Edward Ernest (1867-1940). St John’s, Cambridge.
Smith, Solomon Charles Kaines (1876-1958). Magdalene, Cambridge.
Thompson, Maurice Scott (1884-1971). Corpus Christi, Oxford.
Tillyard, Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall (1889-1962). Jesus, Cambridge.
Tod, Marcus Niebuhr (1878-1974). St John’s, Oxford.
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph (1889-1975). Balliol, Oxford.
Traquair, Ramsay (1874-1952). Architectural studentship.
Wace, Alan John Bayard (1879-1957). Pembroke, Cambridge.
Yorke, Vincent Wodehouse (1869-1957). King’s, Cambridge.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

BSA Students (1886-1919) and The Dictionary of British Classicists

Many of the better known students of the BSA (1886-1919) appear in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography [website]. Others feature in the Dictionary of British Classicists (3 vols; Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), ed. Robert Todd [publisher]. [Review in History of Intellectual Culture] [Review in TLS]

Anderson, John George Clark (1870-1952). [HWB]
Benson, Edward Frederic (1867-1940). [WHP]
Bevan, Edwyn Robert (1870-1943). [JRCC]
Bosanquet, Robert Carr (1871-1935). [DWJG]
Calder, William Moir (1881-1960). [JR]
Cary, Max. See Caspari, Max Otto Bismarck.
Caspari, Max Otto Bismarck (Max Cary) (1881-1958). [HWB]
Casson, Stanley (1889-1944). [DWJG]
Dawkins, Richard Mcgillivray (1871-1955). [DWJG]
Dickins, Guy (1881-1916). [DWJG]
Droop, John Percival (1882-1963). [DWJG]
Forster, Edward Seymour (1879-1950). [RBT]
Frazer, James George (1854-1941). [RAA]
Gardner, Ernest Arthur (1862-1939). [DWJG]
Gomme, Arnold Wycombe (1886-1959). [MHC]
Hardie, Margaret Masson (Mrs F.W. Hasluck) (1885-1948). [DS]
Hasluck, Frederick William (1878-1920). [DS]
Hasluck, Margaret Masson. See Hardie, Margaret Masson.
Hogarth, David George (1862-1927). [DWJG]
Hutton, Caroline Amy (c. 1861-1931). [SLD]
Jones, Henry Stuart (1867-1939). [DWJG]
Lamb, Dorothy (Mrs J. Reeve Brooke) (1887-1967). [DWJG]
Lorimer, (Elizabeth) Hilda Lockhart (1873-1954). [CDF]
Mackenzie, Duncan (1861-1934). [NM]
Marshall, John Hubert (1876-1958). [NL]
Myres, John Linton (1869-1954). [DWJG]
Ormerod, Henry Arderne (1886-1964). [DWJG]
Peet, Thomas Eric (1882-1934). [DWJG]
Richards, George Chatterton (1867-1951). [DWJG]
Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta (1882-1972). [DWJG]
Sellers, Eugénie (Mrs A. Arthur Strong) (1860-1943). [SLD]
Strong, Eugénie. See Sellers, Eugénie.
Stuart-Jones, Henry. See Jones, Henry Stuart.
Thompson, Maurice Scott (1884-1971). [DWJG]
Tod, Marcus Niebuhr (1878-1974). [DWJG]
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph (1889-1975). [RBT]
Wace, Alan John Bayard (1879-1957). [DWJG]
Woodhouse, William John (1866-1937). [LZ]
Woodward, Arthur Maurice (1883-1973). [DWJG]

RAA = Robert Ackerman
HWB = Herbert W. Benario
MHC = Mortimer Chambers
JRCC = Robert Cousland
SLD = Stephen L. Dyson
CDF = Diane Fortenberry
NM = Nicoletta Momigliano
DWJG = David Gill
NL = Nayanjot Lahiri
WHP = William H. Peck
JR = James Russell
DS = David Shankland
RBT = Robert B. Todd
LZ = Louise Zarmati

BSA Students (1886-1919): Published Books

A working list of published books by BSA students admitted during the period 1886 to 1914 can be found at WorldCat.

This is in addition to the bibliography on the History of the British School at Athens.

Monday 7 July 2008

BSA Corporate Subscriptions (1894-1918)

The re-organisation of the BSA under Cecil Harcourt-Smith brought about an increase in the amount of money attracted from corporate bodies. This income represented around 51% of the total subscriptions for the BSA during this period. The Rules and Regulations stated:
VI. A corporate body subscribing not less than £ 50 a year, for a term of years, shall, during that term, have the right to nominate a member of the Managing Committee.
Representatives from the Hellenic Society and Oxford University on the Managing Committee were joined by a representative from Cambridge (from 1896/97). Each institution then gave £100 per annum (except for the Hellenic Society and Oxford during the First World War).

The BSA was regularly supported by a subscription of £5.5.0 from the Society of Antiquaries of London, and £25 from HRH the Prince of Wales (and after he became King).

Oxford Colleges
  • Brasenose College (by 1894/95, £5)
  • Christ Church (from 1895/96, £20)
  • Corpus Christi College (from 1895/96, £5)
  • Magdalen College (from 1895/96, £10)
Cambridge Colleges
  • Caius College (by 1907/08, £10)
  • Emmanuel College (by 1911/12, £5)
  • King's College (from 1895/96, £10)

Other British Institutions
  • McGill University, Montreal (from 1896/97, £5.5.0)
Information and chart revised 7 August 2008.

Tuesday 1 July 2008

The British School at Athens (1886-1919): Outline

I am revising the text of my study of the British School at Athens (1886-1919). Here is the working outline:

Part 1: The School

Chapter 1: The Origins of the School

Chapter 2: The Directors of the School

Chapter 3: The BSA Managing Committee

Part 2: Students of the British School at Athens

Chapter 4: Oxford and Cambridge Students

Chapter 5: Women at the British School at Athens

Chapter 6: Other Students in Athens

Part 3: Fieldwork

Chapter 7: Cyprus

Chapter 8: Mainland Greece and the Peloponnese

Chapter 9: The Islands

Chapter 10: Anatolia

Chapter 11: North Africa and Other Projects

Part 4: After the British School at Athens

Chapter 12: Subsequent Careers

Chapter 13: Further Excavations

Chapter 14: Students at War


Biographies of Students at the British School at Athens (1886-1919)