- Richard Dawkins (director)
- Alan Wace
- Guy Dickins
- John P. Droop
- A.M. Woodward
- 'other students'
Dawkins, R. M. 1907/08a. "Laconia I. Excavations at Sparta, 1908. § 1. The season's work." Annual of the British School at Athens 14: 1-3.
—. 1907/08b. "Laconia I. Excavations at Sparta, 1908. § 2. The sanctuary of Artemis Orthia." Annual of the British School at Athens 14: 4-29.
Dickins, G. 1907/08. "Laconia I. Excavations at Sparta, 1908. § 6. The hieron of Athena Chalkioikos." Annual of the British School at Athens 14: 142-46.
Droop, J. P. 1907/08. "Laconia I. Excavations at Sparta, 1908. § 3. The pottery." Annual of the British School at Athens 14: 30-47.
Farrell, J. 1907/08. "Laconia I. Excavations at Sparta, 1908. § 4. The archaic terracottas from the sanctuary of Orthia." Annual of the British School at Athens 14: 48-73.
Wace, A. J. B. 1907/08a. "Laconia I. Excavations at Sparta, 1908. § 7. A third-century marble head." Annual of the British School at Athens 14: 147-48.
—. 1907/08b. "Laconia I. Excavations at Sparta, 1908. § 8. A hoard of Hellenistic coins." Annual of the British School at Athens 14: 149-58.
Woodward, A. M. 1907/08. "Laconia I. Excavations at Sparta, 1908. § 5. The inscriptions." Annual of the British School at Athens 14: 74-141.
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