- Robert Carr Bosanquet (Director)
- Guy Dickins
- H.J.W. Tillyard
- Mr Sejk (surveyor)
- Ramsay Traquair (architect)
- Alan Wace
- Richard Dawkins (who took charge of the work at the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia)
Bosanquet, R. C. 1905/06a. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 1. The season's work." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 277-83.
—. 1905/06b. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 5. The sanctuary of Artemis Orthia." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 303-17.
—. 1905/06c. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 7. The cult of Orthia as illustrated by the finds." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 331-43.
Dawkins, R. M. 1905/06. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 6. Remains of the Archaic Greek period." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 318-30.
Dickins, G. 1905/06a. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 4. The great altar near the Eurotas." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 295-302.
—. 1905/06b. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 10. The theatre and adjoining area." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 394-406.
—. 1905/06c. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 13. Topographical conclusions." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 431-39.
Tillyard, H. J. W. 1905/06a. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 9. Inscriptions from the Artemisium." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 351-93.
—. 1905/06b. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 14. Inscriptions from the altar, the acropolis, and other sites." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 441-79.
Traquair, R. 1905/06. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 12. The Roman stoa and the later fortifications." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 415-30.
Wace, A. J. B. 1905/06a. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 2. The city wall." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 284-88.
—. 1905/06b. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 3. The heroön." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 288-94.
—. 1905/06c. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 8. The stamped tiles." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 344-50.
—. 1905/06d. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 11. The Roman baths (Arapissa)." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 407-14.
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